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Thursday 6 August 2015

What is Android and Why Use Android ?

What is Android?

Android is an open source and Linux-based Operating System for cell phones, for example, cell phones and tablet PCs. Android was produced by the Open Handset Alliance, drove by Google, and different organizations.

Android offers a bound together way to deal with application improvement for cell phones which implies engineers require produce for Android, and their applications ought to have the capacity to keep running on diverse gadgets controlled by Android.The main beta variant of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) was discharged by Google in 2007 where as the first business rendition, Android 1.0, was discharged in September 2008.

On June 27, 2012, at the Google I/O meeting, Google reported the following Android form, 4.1 Jelly Bean. Jam Bean is an incremental upgrade, with the essential point of enhancing the client interface, both as far as usefulness and execution.

The source code for Android is accessible under free and open source programming licenses. Google distributes the greater part of the code under the Apache License form 2.0 and the rest, Linux portion changes, under the GNU General Public License form 2.


This instructional exercise has been readied for the apprentices to help them comprehend fundamental Android programming. In the wake of finishing this instructional exercise you will end up at a moderate level of mastery in Android programming from where you can take yourself to next levels.


Android writing computer programs is in light of Java programming dialect so in the event that you have essential comprehension on Java programming then it will be an enjoyable to learn Android application improvement.

Why Android ?

When you pick an Android telephone, you have what appears like a perpetual measure of decisions for telephones. Do you need a telephone that does what telephones do alongside taking to a great degree great pictures? Purchase a telephone whose fundamental center is the camera. Do you need a rough telephone that could withstand being dropped ordinarily? Do you need a telephone that has a Quad HD screen as opposed to the 720-1080p screen? Do you need a telephone with a littler or greater structure element? Android telephones cover this in addition to a lot more. That is the excellence of Android telephones - you can get the particular case that fits you.

With an iPhone, well, it's only an iPhone. Whatever it has in it is the thing that you get. Of course you may get 2 or 3 choices for a littler or greater telephone that have somewhat distinctive equipment yet that is it. The camera, screen, inner equipment, and so on will be the same on a model to model premise. Case in point, you can't purchase an iPhone that has a high megapixel camera like Android clients can with the Sony Xperia Z2.

Features of Android

Android is an intense working framework contending with Apple 4GS and bolsters extraordinary components. Few of them are recorded beneath:

Beautiful UIAndroid OS essential screen gives a wonderful and natural client interface.
StorageSQLite, a lightweight social database, is utilized for information stockpiling purposes.
ConnectivityGSM/EDGE, IDEN, CDMA, EV-DO, UMTS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LTE, NFC and WiMAX.
MessagingSMS and MMS
Media supportH.263, H.264, MPEG-4 SP, AMR, AMR-WB, AAC, HE-AAC, AAC 5.1, MP3, MIDI, Ogg Vorbis, WAV, JPEG, PNG, GIF, and BMP
Multi-touchAndroid has local backing for multi-touch which was at first made accessible in handsets, for example, the HTC Hero.
Web browserIn light of the open-source WebKit format motor, combined with Chrome's V8 JavaScript motor supporting HTML5 and CSS3.
Resizable widgetsGadgets are resizable, so clients can extend them to indicate more substance or therapist them to spare space
Multi-taskingClient can bounce starting with one undertaking then onto the next and same time different application can run all the while.
GCMGoogle Cloud Messaging (GCM) is an administration that lets designers send short message information to their clients on Android gadgets, without requiring an exclusive sync arrangement.
Multi-LanguageSupports single direction and bi-directional text.
Android BeamA prevalent NFC-based innovation that lets clients in a split second share, just by touching two NFC-empowered telephones together.
Wi-Fi DirectAn innovation that lets applications find and match straightforwardly, over a high-transmission capacity shared association.

Android Applications

Android applications are generally created in the Java dialect utilizing the Android Software Development Kit.

Once created, Android applications can be bundled effectively and sold out either through a store, for example, Google Play,SlideME,Opera Mobile Store,Mobango,F-droid and the Amazon Appstore.

Android powers a huge number of cell phones in more than 190 nations around the globe. It's the biggest introduced base of any versatile stage and developing quick. Consistently more than 1 million new Android gadgets are actuated around the world.

This instructional exercise has been composed with an expect to show you how to create and bundle Android application. We will begin from environment setup for Android application programming and afterward bore down to investigate different parts of Android applications.

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